Personalized poster with coordinates - Love Quote

Regular price SFr. 29.90
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Production: approx. 1-2 days, delivery time (all of Switzerland): approx. 3-10 days

Immortalize the moments with this great framed picture, poster or canvas (canvas). These Love Quotes accompanies the love you feel in a few words. Together with our couple pictures, these love sayings are the perfect gift, especially for Valentine's Day.

Remember a very special place forever with this personalized canvas print, poster etc. For example where your first date took place, the coordinates of your city or just a place that you never want to forget and you can now remember it forever.

How to find the coordinates:

Find coordinates of a place

  1. Open Google Maps on the computer. 
  2. Right-click the desired location or area on the map. The coordinates are displayed in the window
  3. If you want the coordinates to be copied automatically, select the longitude and latitude.

You will now see the decimal degrees (DG) with longitude and latitude. For example like this:

47.34523166842876, 8.54914073277413

Go to the following page and convert decimal degrees to degrees, minutes and seconds (GMS).

Latitude: 47.34523166842876, Longitude: 8.54914073277413

The GMS coordinates are now displayed below:

47° 19' 28.704'' The 8° 32' 43.929''

You can find an overview of the print and frame options here

How does it work?

We create your animal portrait. Whether cat, dog, horse or hamster. Get the finished portrait delivered to your home in the desired print and format

video instructions

two animals on a pet portrait

Pet Pictures | Cat dog

Two or three animals?