Production: approx. 1-2 days, delivery time (all of Switzerland): approx. 3-10 days
Immortalize the moments with this great framed picture, poster or canvas (canvas). These Love Quotes accompanies the love you feel in a few words. Together with our couple pictures, these love sayings are the perfect gift, especially for Valentine's Day.
Remember a very special place forever with this personalized canvas print, poster etc. For example where your first date took place, the coordinates of your city or just a place that you never want to forget and you can now remember it forever.
How to find the coordinates:
Find coordinates of a place
- Open Google Maps on the computer.
- Right-click the desired location or area on the map. The coordinates are displayed in the window
- If you want the coordinates to be copied automatically, select the longitude and latitude.
You will now see the decimal degrees (DG) with longitude and latitude. For example like this:
47.34523166842876, 8.54914073277413
Go to the following page and convert decimal degrees to degrees, minutes and seconds (GMS).
Latitude: 47.34523166842876, Longitude: 8.54914073277413
The GMS coordinates are now displayed below:
47° 19' 28.704'' |
The 8° 32' 43.929'' |
You can find an overview of the print and frame options here